If you don't comment this is just a one sided debate.

Friday, August 18, 2006

My take on salsa.

If you don't make it hot, and I do mean HOT,
you might as well just eat ketchup!
With that thought I wish you all a good weekend.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Who done it????????

Okay folks I want to hear from you on this.

Who killed Jon Benet Ramsey ???????

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Israel, Iran, Hezbolah, and us one big happy cluster #@%^

Israel agreed to the cease fire?????
What the hell? We should have never stuck our nose into that. We should have just let them crush hezbolah. When the cease fire went into effect hezbolah and Iran sat over there beating their chest. Stupid, Israel just lost face in this. Forget the cese fire, when they destroyed all of hezbolah there could have been a cease fire then and only then. Then that jerk that is running Iran said Israel is "just a one bomb problem". Let him get a nuke and it is all over for Israel and the start of WWIII. But hey let's all just sit back and deal with Iran. The (left) will say let's pass a resolution. Let's send them a letter and tell Iran we are mad and they better stop or else, we will keep sending letters to them. Yep thats the left for ya.

I say send them 2000 cruise missles! Before we lose one single life on the ground, bomb them back to the stone age, before they do it to us. I saw the interview, I think he is the next Hitler.
America and Israel, it's time to put up your fist and fight for real this time. Sit back and wait and Iran will cut our hands off, and then we will be totaly screwed!!!!